Way Down East

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The film is subtitled: "A Simple Story of Plain People," with director Griffith intending that its sweeping, lyrical, but epic style would convey an image of a vanished, unspoiled, pastoral America. It is a simple, timeless allegory of plain, everyday people in a story which attacks prejudice and bigotry. Lillian Gish's performance as Anna Moore is superb and flawless, beautifully photographed as having an inner light and spirituality. Moving, authentic and intense, she expresses the …

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…during a vigil with her newborn baby in her arms (in a familiar Madonna image), when "the little hands grow cold upon her breast," she warms the baby's hands with her breath and mouth. The doctor diagnoses the end of the baby's life: "My child, your baby is dead." With open-mouthed despair and a look of dumbfounded shock, Anna's face registers an unreserved reaction of fright to the news. She faints backward in her chair.