Watership Down Richard Adams The Reflection Combo

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Watership Down, written by Richard Adams, was originally a story created for the author's children during a trip to Straford, which was later on expanded in to a novel. Under the fictional category, this novel does indeed contain many reflections of the modern society, human characteristics and also history. The settings of this novel are all based on real locations in the town of Newbury, located in England. Base of real locations, the book will …

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…most people appreciate Adams's point of view concerning the improving society. Since Adams served in the Second World War, he also implied a hidden message into the book which could be determined as the moral of which he wants the world to take action to; it is "When the world is peaceful, why not listen to everyone around you, there must be a reason for what they said. Just live joyfully and that's your goal".