Watergate & Nixon: A Political Chameleon

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Nixon: A Political Chameleon The 1970s was a decade of tumult with the war in Vietnam and the Watergate conspiracy in the White House. Many people probably still wonder how five men could break into the national headquarters of a major political party by order of the president, and what would drive a President to abuse his power and lie to the people that trust him the most. To find reasons why one must analyze …

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…feel as Bob Dole who, at Nixon's funeral, spoke of "How American" Nixon's life had been. In conclusion one can see how through out Nixon's career how ambiguous he could be from being an upstanding senator to a devious president, and, although many people will never agree on the amount of character Nixon had, they will have to agree that he incontrovertibly changed the world of politics and the way people viewed the government forever.