Watergate and Richard Nixon

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Essay Database > History > North American History
On June 17, 1972, a burglary occurred that would not only change Richard Nixon's role as President of the United States, but the nations view on politicians in general. The break-in leaked fast and some reporters at the Washington Post then began to write reports that the break in was linked to Nixon and his staff. The post had two reporters that made it their task to research deep into the break in. Carl Bernstein and Bob …

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…was near after the articles of impeachment were considered. Nixon released three tapes to the public on August 5, 1974. One of the tapes revealed that Nixon had taken steps to hinder the FBI's investigation into the burglary. The tape also showed that Nixon had been involved in the cover-up from the beginning. The tapes ruined his remaining support within congress. With impeachment certain and Senate conviction probable, Richard M. Nixon resigned from office on August 9, 1974. ("Watergate")