Watergate Scandal

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
THE WATERGATE SCANDAL Watergate is a hotel in Washington D.C. where the Democratic National Committee held their campaign headquarters. The current president at the time was Richard M. Nixon, who was involved in the scandal himself and which lead to the cause of his resignation. The Watergate scandal should not have happened, but it did and it caused the American people to judge less of their government system. The scandal began on June 17, 1972, with …

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…the whole ordeal the constitutional system of checks and balances was used for its original usage, to prevent abuses of power. Watergate unquestionably showed that in a nation of laws no one is above the law, not even the President of the United States of America. Bibliography Aitken, Jonathan. (1993). Nixon A Life. Washington D.C: Regnery Publishing, Inc. Emery, Fred. (1994). Watergate. United States: Times Books. Infopedia (1995). [Computer Software] U.S.A: Future Vision Holding Inc.