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Essay Database > History
Watergate: by Randall D. Hutton English 112 English Composition II Dr. John Keeney February 26,1997 end coverpage Outline Thesis statement: Watergate could possibly be the worst scandal in the history of the United States. 1. Richard Nixon. A. Family. B. Political. II. Latest scandals. A. Iran Contra affair. B. Whitewater affair. Ill. Watergate. A. Burglary. B. Plumbers. C. John F.Kennedy IV. Investigation. A. Reporters. B. Special prosecutors. C. Senate hearings. D. Fight for tapes. V. National Archives …

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…jsmercury.com/news/national/docs/002421.htm. "The Secret History of the United States 1972.Online. http://w3.one.net/'conspira/1972.html. "The Secret History of the United States 1974. Online. http://w3.one.net/`conspira/1974.html. Taylor, Larry. G. Gordon Liddy. Agent from Creep. Online.www.gobaldialog.com. "Time and Again-Presidential Scandals." Online. www.msn.com. "Watergate." Encarta. Online. Microsofi, Encarta 96. Encyclopedia. "Watergate." Grolier. 1995, CD-ROM. Grolier Inc. Version 8.0. "Whitewater affair." Grolier. 1995, CD-ROM. Grolier Inc. Version 8.0. Word Count: 2828