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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
WATERGATE President Ricmard M. Nixon is refereed to as one of the most controversial presidents in the history of the United States of America. He is synonymous with this title, because of his involvement in the great "Watergate" scandal. It all started with the election of 1972, Nixon's bid for a second term of presidency. In his attempt at re-election, Nixon took on a different strategy than any other re-election campaign of the past. Instead of …

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…be impeached. Sensing defeat, Nixon released the remaining tapes, convincing all non-believers of his guilt on August fifth. Finally, on August ninth, Nixon resigned as President, avoiding impeachment, and on September eighth, Nixon was pardoned of all crimes. In conclusion, if President Nixon had entrusted his campaign for re-election to the Republican National Committee, there would have been no Watergate. Its members would have known that the activities of Watergate were outside the political pale.