Was the immigration era (1900s) benefitial to America or not? United States would never become what it is today if it was not for immigrants all over the world.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
At the end of the nineteenth century, a word got out on how great things were in America. The New World was often referred to as "a land of honey where all the streets were paved with gold" (The Immigrant song) and had a welcome slogan of "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor; Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free" (Emma Lazarus). Soon enough, millions of people were coming to see for themselves. Many left …

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…on. Starting from the moment Columbus discovered a new continet to today, it always was, is and will be the land of immigrants. It was built by them and became one of greatest industrial nations of all. America was always known as the land of freedom and oppotunity, that kept the brightest minds from fading away and its the one country under God that always stayed together, no matter how diverse and various it was.