Was the aim of the terror of 1793-94 the defence of France or the moral regeneration of the French people?

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Essay Database > History > European History
The French revolution was a pivotal moment not just for France but it sparked a whole new system of thought throughout Europe and was a major stepping stone towards the worldwide spread of liberal democracy. However from the birth of the third estate with the Abbe Sieyes to the execution of Maximilien Robespierre 28 July 1794, the revolution would prove as controversial to historians as it was groundbreaking. The question of the motives and virtues of, ?the …

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…in the French Revolution?, (Palgrave, Hampshire, 1998) 2.<Tab/>Rude, George, ?Revolutionary Europe?, (Collins, London, 1964) 3.<Tab/>Roberts? J.M, ?The French Revolution?, (Oxford University Press, London, 1978) 4.<Tab/>Soboul Albert, ?The French Revolution 1787-1799?, (Editions Sociales, London 1974) 5.<Tab/>Robespierre Maximilien, extract from, ?On the Moral and Political Principles Which Should Guide the National Convention on the Administration of the Domestic Policy? (5 Februa