Was the Vietnam War a futile war?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Was the Vietnam War a futile war? During the Cold War, the two superpowers, America and Russia fought a continuous diplomatic, economic and military struggle from the beginning of the 1950s until the 1970s. This battle often involved other much smaller and weaker countries to be supported by one of the superpowers to go against the other. In 1965, communist support in Vietnam lead to one of the most futile and costliest wars in modern history. …

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…been withdrawn from Vietnam. The truth was, no matter how much they bombed Vietnam, the Vietnam War was a war that America would not win, and no matter how America disliked communism, the people of North Vietnam were determined to keep their government just the way it always was and were determined to keep foreigners out of their country to protect their way of life. The Vietnam War was an absolutely futile and costly war.