Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair?

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
The treaty of Versailles was signed in 28th June, 1919. this treaty involved lots of requirement for Germany. Despite Woodrow Wilson's will to make the world a safer place, it only provoked German's anger and eventually became the motive of World War two. In my opinion, the main reason for the failure was the unfairness of the treaty. German was guilty for the world war one. But we should know that each countries who involved in …

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…world" -EconimicEconomic situation of Germany and is reported by British foreign Office in 1918. 2) http://www.schoolshistory.org.uk/ASLevel_History/week3_impactofwar.htm 3) http://study.abingdon.org.uk/history/4th_versailles3.html 4)http://century.guardian.co.uk/1910-1919/Story/0,6051,99312,00.html -after the guilt clause been accept by German, resented words by Count Rantzau's 5)http://www.ousedale.org.uk/cw/ousedaleschool2/Treaty%20of%20Versailles%205c1.htmthis -in the newspaper. After Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles