Was the American Revolutionary War inevitable?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
American Revolution AP US History Many people say that the American Revolution was inevitable, but inevitability in history is a tricky thing to prove. Nevertheless, political, economic, and regional issues conspired to build up tensions that erupted into open conflict after more than 150 years as an English colony. A stew of causes led to this historic break between England's American subjects. Although the English colonies in America grew to be different depending on regional conditions, …

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…couldn't handle. No patriot would stand for such invasions of privacy as quartering soldiers or having their things searched with a writ of assistance. Along the roads, in the taverns, and in the press, Americans debated about the merits of liberty from the British yoke. Americans - and that's what they were beginning to think of themselves as - had lived for too long in a society in which opportunity and self-determination were the norm.