Was it ever possible for the British to establish a fair solution to the Palestinian problem?

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"The main asset in all our Zionist venture, England as we know her up to yesterday, has disappeared. Sometimes I feel like Sinbad the Sailor. . must have felt when he established his 'national home' on a lithe island...and the island proved to be a whale." -- Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1936 Israel was a creation of humanity and the fate of Palestine the defining traits of man. An epitome of altruism in spirit yet egoism in action, …

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…religious Muftis, but also the European, learned Jews too. A belief that was an anthropological dictum beget of the social conditions of that time, a psychological need, and above all a proviso for identity. Torn between the two extreme opposition movements, Britain could not find her reassuring middle ground, from where she could address each situation as it arose, as was her wont, she had to take a stance; a stance which eventually broke her.