Was South Australia a Paradise of Dissent?

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Essay Database > History > World History
South Australia's original diversity in religious beliefs was the key factor to South Australia's Label 'Paradise of Dissent'. When South Australia was first settled in the 1830's, one of the largest factors that attracted immigrants was the absence of a State Church. Immigrants could migrate to South Australia, without having a particular religious body to influence government and their own daily lives. The Church had been a huge factor in England, and other major nations …

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…diversity of churches even further in South Australia, making it a 'Paradise of Dissent'. South Australia, was planned from the start to become a colony of diverse religions. As South Australia grew, religious groups tried to push to the front, and become dominant, and some almost succeeded. No matter how hard the powers tried, the populous of South Australia prevented a dominant church and made themselves heard, to keep South Australia a 'Paradise of Dissent'.