Was Russia ripe for revolution in the 19th and early 20th centuries?

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Essay Database > History > World History
Even in the very beginning, to the observant eye, telltale signs of discontentment hung in the air. Eventually, you could argue that it would have been impossible to overlook the unprecedented social and political uproar in the country. No one event would be able to bring down a government which had ruled for so many years, but this was not the case. The crisis began many years before, with its roots deep into the nineteenth …

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…but the authoritarian Czar's which attained power did not react to the incoming tide. In fact, they resisted change at every avenue possible and proved to outrage certain people to such a point that Czar's were assassinated. By 1917, the Russian people had had enough, and a public disturbance in Petrograd soon spread throughout the city and had become a widespread revolt. The resulting revolution proved to restructure the politics in Russia for years to come.