Was Mark Twain accurate when naming the period from 1877 to 1914 the Gilded Age?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
From 1877 to 1914 the United States truly underwent drastic changes. The civil war being over, the US could finally consider itself to be a united country and with the industrial revolution bringing along new technologies to the advancement of society as a whole, America was a country full of opportunities for its people. Superficially, this might seem to be the case, but unfortunately though, a wealthy minority used these developments to their sole advantage and by …

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…there were still problems concerning the monopolies of big businesses, the integrity of the government and class issues in society. Yet, through various movements, there have been attempts to resolve these problems. Even though I wouldn't consider the time period to be a "Gilded Age", in the sense of everything being golden and perfect, I think that the US was on the way to reach such a stage, hadn't other political events in Europe interfered.