Was It Justified?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Many questions lie within the history of the United States of America. Was there a second gunman involved in the assassination of JFK? Did we really go to the moon? Who really framed Roger Rabbit? All of these questions, valid or not, can be proven by facts and logistics. One of the harder, philosophical questions we must ask, however, is the use of the Atomic Bomb during World War II. True, there are many facts …

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…other parts of the world such as Bataan and Nanking. It all comes down to a simple question: Is it more moral to kill someone by starving them to death and by conventional weaponry or is it more moral to eliminate a large number of people instantaneously by nuclear weaponry? I believe that in war, morality no longer exists. Either way, the Atomic Bomb indirectly saved millions of lives on each side of the war.