Was Dwight Eisenhower a great President

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Essay Database > History
Was Dwight Eisenhower a great President? Dwight Eisenhower, a military genius and a great president rose to power by will and determination. He did not know a life of easy work or easy answers. Ike, as his friends knew him, had a military background that he went by when he was president. He had a lot of experience working with international affairs before he became president so he knew how to handle himself with other …

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…and had them enforce integration. Dwight Eisenhower was truly a great president. If not for the 22nd Amendment of the constitution of the United States, which limited presidents to two terms in office, Eisenhower would have continued to do good things. He would have almost certainly won the presidency for a third time by a wide margin. He was an extremely popular person and hero to the American people until he died and long after.