Was Christopher Columbus an Imperialist?

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Many people today think of Christopher Columbus as a an imperialist. The issue of Columbus has two sides, the good and the immortality. There was some evidence found that supports this. In the book Taking Sides, Kirkpatrick Sale supports the side of Columbus being an imperialist. While Robert Royal views him as not being an imperialist. After reading "Taking Sides", my opinion on Christopher Columbus has changed. In my opinion, Columbus is an imperialist. According …

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…The Native Americans benefited from horses and other farm animals introduced by Columbus. The issue of whether Columbus was an imperialist or not is always going to be debated. There is never going to be a right or wrong side to support. It all depends on one's own opinion. I feel strongly that he was an imperialist for introducing many new things to the Native Americans and for showing bravery in exploring the new land.