Was 1965 or 1968 the pivotal year of the 1960's?

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Essay Database > Literature
The sixties was one of the most evocative decades in U.S. history generating "a ferocity of debate, a challenging of conventions, and a testing of visionary hopes" that surpassed any other period in U.S. history. The revolution in American culture was most evident in the years of 1965 and 1968 which proved to be the most eventful in the decade. They were the focal years for the two major issues of that decade in varying …

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…and values of American society... shattering the consensus that liberals prized" The liberal formula was exposed and Vietnam was crucial and relevant to the major events in that year, as they all fell into place making it a truly unique year of the 60's. Furthermore Chicago 1968 seemed to bring together the anti-war and civil rights sentiments in one climactic revolution against the ultimate figure of authority; the police as a manifestation of the state. Domestically,