Wars of American Revolution

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Essay Database > History
The Wars of the American Revolution Many think that victory over the British redcoats was quick and easy. In this simple version, a united, freedom-loving people rose up in anger at the King's tyrannical actions, grabbed their guns, hid behind trees and walls, defeated the dull British soldiers who were sitting ducks in their red uniforms, and established the United States of America. We know that the war affected almost everyone in America. Of the …

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…right of revolution. To launch a revolution, and fight a war for political principles was a new development in the world. Certainly, in the eighteenth century, Europeans fought wars for dynastic ambition or economic gain. The American Revolution's emphasis on self-rule and the right of revolution was a standing challenge to the existing European order that would not go unnoticed. The world of kings and lords, hierarchy and inequality, would never be the same again.