Warren G. Harding- As president

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Essay Database > History
Warren G. Harding was thought to be one of the worst presidents of all time. There are not too many people who would say that he was good. . Warren Harding was the 29th president of the United States. He was inaugurated on March 4, 1921. Harding had won this election by a landslide, gaining 60 percent of the popular vote. Harry Daugherty, and man from Ohio, soon gained a liking for Harding and began to promote him, stating "…

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…likely cause was a heart attack. Some people believed that Harding's wife had finally become fed up with his affairs, and poisoned him because the scandal was coming to the surface. Many people will still have different opinions on Warren G. Harding. There were of course good things that Harding did, he was elected for something. But he just is not a very good president overall, and it is seen throughout his term as presidency.