War of 1812--Impressments

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Essay Database > History > North American History
World Studies 1 Honors 28 May 2002 Catalyzed Aggression by Impressments In the nineteenth century the world was in turmoil. Civil unrest was common throughout the globe. The English were incessantly involved in war with the French. The Americans were in a feud with the Native Americans. The real trouble happened when two of these wars in essence combined against the unfortunate Americans. There were many causes which led up to the War of 1812. This included, tax hikes …

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…it "America's second War for independence" (Lawson). The most enraging cause that led to the War of 1812 was the British impressments. These affected the whole American society and instilled in them a burning rage that their citizens could be seized and made to work for a foreign power. Though, taxes, Native Rebellion, Merchant ship seizing also led to the War of 1812, the primer catalyst without a choice of recourse was the British act of impressments.