War is nothing more than organized crime.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
Organised crime is not relative. It is universally condemned, because most right-thinking individuals realise that such activity is detrimental to the human race as a whole. War on the other hand refuses to be evaluated objectively, because it is an act of violence sanctioned by the state, an amorphous entity claiming to represent the views, beliefs and morality of its citizenry, and that is why war is far more insidious than organised crime. "Crime" is …

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…a budget debate, with much irrelevance, that he would be proud to send his son to die for Singapore in the name of safeguarding our peace and freedom. A clear-minded Singaporean wrote in the newspapers about how we would all have fewer wars if we were not so eager to participate in them. To praise such acts of violence in the name of anything at all would certainly be a worse crime than any other.