War in the World

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Essay Database > History
On Aug. 2, 1990, Iraqi military forces, on orders from President Saddam Hussein, invaded and occupied the small country of Kuwait. The Persian Gulf War of 1991--from January 16 to February 28--was fought to expel Iraq and restore Kuwaiti independence. The war introduced several technologically advanced weapon systems. As well,the United States forged a broad-based international coalition that confronted Iraq militarily strategy. The military coalition consisted of: unni-versus-Shia (for and Arab-versus-Persian religious and ethnic disputes, to a …

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…to the war, but saw a number of positive opportunities opened up by its prolongation. Iran was desprite for U.S. weapons and the U.S. saw this and was willing to take advantage of this. The attack on Kuwait by Iraq caused the United Nations Security Council to pass several resolution to close Iraq from International trade. The Security Council wanted President Saddam Hussein removed his troops from Kuwait and to distroy nonconventional weapons.