War in Iraq. Satiricle solution for the War in Iraq and the real solution to get things running in Iraq.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
I t is May 1, 2003 President Bush has said that major combat in Iraq is over. That was the first task in the war now that it is somewhat over the next task is that we have to rebuild Iraq. But how are we going to rebuild Iraq? That is one of many questions that are yet to be solved. President Bush says that we should send more money and troops there. But with my experience …

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…correctional facilities it would be a much safer place. Also to set a true democratic government that listens to the people. We also must improve the education system so it is not bias and shows the world in its true form. To do all these we need to send more money and also use the profits from the Iraqis oil. All of these would help rebuild Iraq as a much more stable and peaceful nation.