War, Whats it good for? Absolutly nothing!

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Essay Database > Law & Government
I have decided to do my research essay on war. To me war has never really made since to me. The bombs, the weapons, all the civilian deaths, the poverty caused by war. I am not against the good will of war, such as when we fought the Germans in world war ll to stop the killings of the Jews. And in the Vietnam War, to stop the spread of communism. And of course to …

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…home land, and now know the horror and destruction we have caused to so many others. September 11 was terrible and wrong, but 56 years ago there was another attack that endured just as much horror and distrustion, but far more deaths, called the atomic bomb, and it was by the United States of America. I think we need to grow up and stop being the kids in the sandbox, and learn to play well with others.