War, Media, and Public Opinion

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The discussion of the media's influence on public opinion is a complicated one. The ways in which the media talks about subjects and the spin that they project on the subjects often changes the way the public views certain issues. Everything from the adjectives they use, to the pictures they show, to the tone of voice they use brings out different emotions in their viewers and readers. It is the same as imagery and sound …

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…the media spin has caused the media to have more control over the publics opinion as time goes on. WORKS CITIED Gary C. Woodward. Perspectives on American Political Media. Neednam Heights MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1997 George H. Roeder, Jr. The Censored War. Yale University: New Haven, 1993 John E, Mueller War, Presidents and Public Opinion. University Press of America: Lanham MD, 1985 Paul Fussell Wartime. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1989 Tom Brokaw The Greatest Generation. Random House: New York, 198