War Equals Change

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
War is a devastating concept that hurts people both physically and mentally. Paul Baumer, in Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front, is an example of this inner turmoil caused by the First World War. Paul changes in his personality, his attitude towards his home-life, his attitude towards war, and his attitude towards death, which causes him to give up in the end. Throughout the novel, Remarque takes Paul, the main character from …

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…create a novel that shows the war as it was: a time of hate and killing. It is a novel about one man's changes in self, and in his attitude towards his home life, war, and death. War is not happy, romantic, or poetic, which Paul comes to realize. War changes people, and changes where they are headed in their outcomes. One needs to consider all of these aspects of change before joining the war.