War Art: Comparison of Tim O'Brien's memoir, "If I Die in a Combat Zone", and the movie "Apocalypse Now", directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Tim O'Brien's memoir, "If I Die in a Combat Zone", is an example of literary art depicting war. O'Brien's reluctance to fight in the war makes this a different kind of war art. The movie "Apocalypse Now", directed by Francis Ford Coppola, also depicts war in an extraordinary way. They are very much alike in that they both explore the emotions and morals of humans. "If I Die in a Combat Zone", and "Apocalypse Now" …

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…emotions or morals, they had to follow through with their commands because they felt pressured by society, the government, their families and friends. Apocalypse Now and If I Die in a Combat Zone show the horror, absurdity and lack of righteousness in war. Works Cited: "Apocalypse Now". Prod. Francis Ford Coppola. DVD. Zoetrope Studios 1979. O'Brien, Tim. If I Die in a Combat Zone Box Me Up and Ship Me Home. New York, NY: Broadway Books, 1999