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Essay Database > Literature > English
Why do wars take place? Most people would think that wars are launched because a country needs more territory, or because a country's borders are threatened, or because of appeasement. The real reason for war is that countries begin to feel that their honor is threatened; they feel that other nations are not giving them the worth and dignity they deserve, and so they take to the battlefield. On the Origins of War and the …

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…Law School. 15 Feb. 1995. Roush, Gary. Statistics about the Vietnam War Internet Page. Nov. 1993. United States, Joint Resolution of Congress H. J. RES 1145. Aug. 7, 1964. Department of State Bulletin 24 Aug. 1965. Wittman, Sandra M. "Chronology of the Vietnam War." Vietnam: Yesterday and Today Oakton Community College. Skokie, Illinois. 16 May 1996: n.p. Author not available, Opium Wars. , The Columbia Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition, 01-01-1993. Opium Wars Relevancy: 100; ( The Hutchinson Dictionary of World History ) ; 01-01-1998 Size: 1K Reading Level: 11.