War 2

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Essay Database > Literature > English
War!that mad game the world so loves to play. What has war brought - misery,sorrow and problems? It surely brings nothing more than a mood of desolation and emptiness where great sacrifices bring little gain. Everywhere in the world are heard the sounds of things breaking, the echoes of the world shattering. These echoes are the sounds of change as the conflicting nations are transformed socially, politically, economically and intellectually into a machine …

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…all World war I and World war II are typical examples of their kind.The economic impact of war is also a disastrous one. In short, war only leads to increased tensions but we still depend on it for the solution of our problems.Isn't it sensible to decide and settle issues by discussion rather than weapons? People who rely on their brains rather than emotions will be needed for tha transformation of this attitude.