Walmart: Good or Evil

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
'Walmart-ization' Wal-Mart operates as a distributor, and retailer of consumer goods. Wal-Mart's history is one of innovation, leadership and success. It started with a single store in Rogers, Arkansas in 1962 and has grown to what is now the world's largest - and arguably, the most emulated - retailer. Some researchers refer to Wal-Mart as the industry trendsetter. 1.4 million Employees worldwide, Wal-Mart's workforce is now larger than that of GM, Ford, GE, and IBM combined. Wal-Mart …

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…social costs" on the communities it occupies. So from this one can gather that when looking from micro level sociological point of view it seems that Wal-Mart is good for the communities. It brings to town low priced goods along with new jobs and new businesses. However, when looking at from macro level sociological point of view one can see that it is making small businesses suffer and driving American merchandise businesses down the hill.