Wal-Mart: is it the source of all evil in America?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Based on the reading that I have done, my position on Wal-Mart is that the benefits to Wal-Mart's consumers outweigh the negative effects of Wal-Mart's business practices. I believe this for several reasons, which I will explain. One reason for my position is because Wal-Mart can offer lower prices than any other major retail store in the world. They can do this because of the demands on their suppliers. Wal-Mart will accept nothing but the …

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…practices are not bad because Wal-Mart offers lower prices than any other retail store in the country, it helps the economy, and gives many jobs to American people. Works cited Grant, Lorrie. "Retail giant Wal-Mart faces challenges on many fronts". USA Today. Sec. MONEY. Pg. 1B. 11 Nov. 2003 Halkias, Maria. "Wal-Mart Thrives, Remains Aggressive as retailers struggle in Unsteady Economy". The Dallas Morning News, 23 Dec. 2001. "Wal around the world". Economist.com. The Economist print edition, 6 Dec. 2001.