Wal-Mart Stores Case Study (competitve advantages, sustainable, transferable?)

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Wal-Mart is a lowest Price leader and they have a competitive advantage in pricing, distribution center, and store locations. Wal-Mart keeps its promise of everyday low prices, by having a smooth business cycle maintained by unbeatable distribution center supported by trucking networks, and excellent store locations. Wal-Mart maintains its slogan of "Everyday low prices", by keeping its merchandise's prices low. Through my analogy, Wal-Mart has a competitive advantage of having constantly low prices is through …

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…closely with Public Relations firms in those countries in order to make sure there is no backlash against them moving into other countries. They must also be careful to follow the laws of each of those countries when they open new stores. Wal-Mart has been careful in moving into the international markets. They have acquired companies already well established in those countries and have made sure that 90 percent of their international products are locally sourced.