Wakeboarding Speech Outline

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Speech Outline Purpose Statement: (Do not say aloud during speech-it should be implied throughout!) The Purpose of this speech is to inform the listener on the history and basics of the sport, wakeboarding. Attention-getter: A short video clip about surfing and wakeboarding. First main point: Wakeboarding originated from a surfer named Tony Finn. Supporting Ideas: -"Skurfer". . . Waterskiing/Surfing . . . by Tony Finn -Showed to friends. . . addition of foot straps. Second main point: Wakeboarding has taken …

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…another video, with wakeboarding and the tricks and moves that you can do on a wakeboard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Works Cited 1.) Barton, Jeff. "Crossover Kings." Wave Action June 1998: 84. 2.) Gordon, Dan. "New Wave." Sport May 1999. INFOTRAC. no volume title, Vol. 90, no. 5. 3.) Miller, Billy. "Across a Lake Sideways." Esquire June 1997. INFOTRAC. no volume title, Vol. 127, no. 6. 4.) No author given. "Evolution of Wakeboarding." Wakeboarding May 1998: 60-71. 5.) Woods, Mark. "Wake Up!" Boys' life August 1996. INFOTRAC. no volume title, Vol. 86, no. 8.