Waggle Dance

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Communication Among Honeybees In every bee hive there are three types of bees, a queen, drones, and many workers. The lone queen honeybee is a fertile female, while the drone honeybees are males that are exclusively used for reproduction. It is the many worker honeybees, infertile females, that are responsible for foraging for food. For hundreds of years biologists and naturalists have noticed that the worker honeybees do not all go out to search for …

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…the only conclusive attempt to understand honeybee communication that has been proven through many different experiments by many different scientists, and is therefore the most accepted theory on honeybee communication used today. This theory, however, is not complete, and there are still many factors to communication between honeybees that are still unknown. In the future, by means of many more experiments and hypothesize, we will truly be able to understand the mysteries of honeybee communication.