WWII timeline

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Pre-war Timeline : 1933 - Adolf Hitler is elected chancellor of Germany. He abolishes democracy and becomes a dictator. Japan and Germany leave the League of Nations 1935 - The German military enters the neutral Saar region, Hitler restores conscription to the German military. 1936 - The German military enters the demilitarized Rhine region. The German-Italian "axis" is formed. 1937 - Japan, which already occupies Manchuria, invades central China 1938 - Hitler annexes Austria and western Czechoslovakia. Mar 1939 - Czechoslovakia surrenders …

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…successor. May 8 - Germany surrenders. The war in Europe ends May 28 - 450 B-29 bombers bomb Yokohama Jun 2 - 660 B-29 bombers bomb Japanese cities Jun 21 - Battle of Okinawa ends Jul 16 - the US tests the atomic bomb in New Mexico. It works Aug 6 - Hiroshima is destroyed by an atomic bomb Aug 8 - Russia declares war on Japan Aug 9 - Nagasaki is destroyed by an atomic bomb Aug 14 - Japan surrenders. World war 2 finally ends.