WWI & WWII, Same War Different Time

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Essay Database > History > World History
WWI-WWII: Same War, Different Dates A number of historians view World War II as the sequel to, or the finishing of the World War I. Although the two wars were in retrospect, very different, they can be viewed as chapters of the same war. When evaluating Hitler's rise to power, there is a definitive link between World War I and World War II. This same 'link' is evident in the Treaty of Versailles and the …

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…mrades to repair the damage done and to build up better conditions than existed before-had worked at this task without resentment, recognizing that all had been to blame, the would have been employment for all and the promises of a 'better world', made so glibly for recruiting purposes, could have been fulfilled. But that called for a clearness of foresight, an honesty of purpose, which the politicians in power at that time did not possess."