WW2: Holocaust Reflection Assignment (Schindler's List)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The movie, "Schindler's List", displayed the condition of the Jews in the WWII Holocaust era, with a horrifying amount of detail, ensuring that we do not easily forget what they had gone through. It also made clear the steps taken by Nazis to exterminate the Jewish population of Germany. The fascist leader of Germany at this time was Adolf Hitler. Germans, as well as Hitler believed in Anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews). They took three steps …

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…and ended up saving many Jewish lives. Schindler saw the persecution towards the Jews and his heart dissolved for them. He brought them to Czechoslovakia, where they worked until the war was over. Goeth, who took many innocent Jewish lives, was hanged to death. In conclusion, the movie taught us a lesson that should never be forgotten: the tormenting of Jews during WWII was a phenomenon of the Nazi perspectives that must never happen again.