WUTHERING HEIGHTS:By Emily Bronte Heathcliff the Villain

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
In this novel called Wuthering Heights written by Emily Bronte there is a character named Heathcliff. Heathcliff is one of the main and most important characters in this novel. Although Heathcliff was viewed as a victim many times (because of childhood, etc.); within Wuthering Heights, does this make his corrupt actions "ok", or for him to hurt those around him? It is true that Catherine is very selfish and played the biggest part in it, …

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…at all! He remains emotionless even though he has done the worst things possible: making a dying father believes his daughter is happy when she is not/ forcing a marriage between to young people/ hating the women he married/ badly raising an innocent child, etc. As stated before, no one has the right to bring this upon other people. Obviously, there was something deep down in him that brought about this behavior besides his upbringing.