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Essay Database > Literature > English
WILLA CATHER WROTE WHAT SHE LIVED Sara Orne Jewett, a local colorist from Maine, once suggested that Willa Cather write from her own background. Cather followed that advice and became famous for her stories of the American frontier; especially those about heroic women who struggled to tame the prairies of Nebraska and the Southwest. Cather's first novel was published in 1912 and was called Alexander's Bridge. In 1913 came O Pioneers! which took its title from a …

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… the end of her life, she was devoted to the arts and books. When she died in 1947, she was buried in New Hampshire. Like many of her characters, she had seen America develop from frontier to a modern country in her lifetime. Bibliography Bibliography: "Cather, Willa" Discovering Authors CD-ROM, Detroit: Gale 1996 "Cather, Willa" World Book Encyclopedia, 1990 "Cather Timeline" Cather Biography Internet, http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~cather/biographical.html "Cather" Twentieth-Century Criticism Reference