WHY DO I NEED A COMPUTER IN MY SMALL BUSINESS? The following is an invitation for international merchants to participate in computer technology.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Professor given condition:The group is composed of family operated import businesses that introduce commercial goods to a country's economy. Goods vary from shoes and toys to plastic basins. Most small business merchants also export native goods (such as Mayan textiles and wooden icons) to countries like the United States. Many operate a store from which merchandise is available to the public and other merchants. While they are almost non-existent in Canada (high import taxes …

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…help us set up webpages to advertise our stuff. I mean, we don't have to get professionals, this can be the perfect summer job for some of our children. And we can also help each other out in adapting computers to our businesses. I am sure I can find people to give classes on how to operate a spreadsheet. Well, that's my time. I hope you really think about it. Good luck in your businesses.