W. B. Yeats' poem 'Father and Daughter'

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Essay Database > Literature
In W. B. Yeats' poem 'Father and Daughter' the speaker is apparently the father of a young daughter who is in relations with a boy or man without her father's blessing. The father is the kind of man who is generous with his love, especially with his daughter. He is also the kind of father who wants the best for his little girl, not being afraid of firm disciplinary actions to help his daughter grow …

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…and tries to. The man also has a very fixed gaze with his eyes. He looks at her 'cold as the March wind'. She experiences chills when her eyes meet his. This is another thing about him she thinks is attractive. It is natural for younger people to think the only thing that is important to a relationship is appearance or sex appeal. As young people get older, the priorities for a soul mate change.