Voting in America

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Voting in America Although every American citizen over 18 years of age is allowed to vote only about half of those turn out to vote on Election Day. For the last 50 years we have never had a higher percentage than 62.8 of eligible Americans voting. The percentage of voters tends to be between 60% and 50% during a presidential election year. Years when only Congressmen are being elected the percentages are even lower. It is very important for Americans …

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…the time to do so. One idea to encourage voting is to set up programs in schools that would inform young people, who are soon to be voters, on issues, candidates, and political policies. Finally, programs could be set up to make the act of voting easier. For example, mail in ballots, or having the polls open long for longer periods of time covering several days giving people more opportunities to find time to vote.