Voting Behaviour

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Voting Behaviour "Voting behaviour used to be easy to determine. Class alignment provided Britain with stable voting patterns, whereby the tow major parties, Conservative and Labour. Could count on the support of the majority of voters. Since the 1970s, however, class de-alignment has accounted for more volatile voting patterns. Why people vote is less clear than in the 1950s and 1960s." What do you consider to be the most significant factors that determine the way …

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…And voter's age, sex and different regions would cause different attitudes towards the way they vote. Moreover, factors like campaign, turnout, and party leader also can affect the voting result. In conclusion, people are more likely to vote according to their economic structure, life style, and to choose the party seem to bring them the most benefit. This is shown in the rising influence of factors like political policy, party performance and the mass media.