"Vonnegut's portrayal of American culture and society in "Slaughterhouse 5" is a depressing one" do you think so?

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Essay Database > History > European History
Vonnegut wrote "Slaughterhouse 5" in 1969. It is a mixed genre of sci-fi and war. Vonnegut wrote it to show people the 'American dream' as being false and not having real value, only materialistic value. The question is asking whether Slaughterhouse 5 is depressing or optimistic and humorous, or maybe it is just sad but the humorous manner makes it feel optimistic. Just by looking at the title 'Slaughterhouse 5', the idea of a place where things got …

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…but it gets across these issues in a rather more optimistic way in a funny, jokey manner. The overall plot of the book is depressing, but alerts you to the problems in a digestible making you want to do something about them. Vonnegut mocks and criticises war to change the way think about war and the way American culture behaves using satire, which is used many times in this book to put across this point.