Voltaire and the Old Order Candide, by Voltaire

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Imagine, A man being shot because he did not kill enough men. "He was an admiral," The Frenchmen told him, "But he had not enough men to his credit." (Voltaire 111). This man is an admiral and he has just been killed because he did not kill enough men. The old order had many flaws that included things such as this. In the book Candide by Voltaire, Voltaire shows his dissatisfaction with the old order in …

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…the country to escape with his life to prove a point to people, then there is something definitely wrong with the old order. A balance in power is an essential ingredient in a good set of laws. Also respect for all people and civilized behavior are necessary. Voltaire showed none of these things in the book Candide. It is easy to perceive why Voltaire was so dissatisfied with the old order. Voltaire.Candide.London: England, 1970