Vocab for ap us history class, about the puritans and great migration

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Part I John Calvin - John Calvin was responsible for founding calvinism, which was reformed catholicism. He writes about it in "Institutes of a Christian Religion" published in 1536. He believed God was all knowing and everyone was predestined for heaven or hell. Anne Hutchinson - A religious dissenter whose ideas provoked an intense religious and political crisis in the Massachusetts Bay Colony between 1636 and 1638. She challenged the principles of Massachusett's religious and political system. Her …

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…working and persuing worldly affairs. Mayflower Compact - 1620- A contract made by the voyagers on the Mayflower agreeing that they would form a simple government where majority ruled. Fundamental Orders - In 1639 the Connecticut River colony settlers had an open meeting and they established a constitution called the Fundamental Orders. It made a Democratic government. It was the firdst constitution in the colonies and was a beginning for the other states' charters and constitutions.