Vitamin C content in Orange juices.
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Did you know? Vitamin C Saved 250,000 - 621,000 Lives (USA) in year 1999 Aim; My aim is to find the product richest in Vitamin C out of the following; *Plunge Vitamin Water - 375 mL *Mr Juicy - 2 litre *Golden Circle Fizzy Orange - 1.5 litre *Fruitopia - 250 mL *Daily Juice - 1 Litre *Orange Juice Hypothesis; I think that the plain orange juice will be high in Vitamin C, but I think that the Fruitopia will be the highest.
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juice claim to come close, so my recommendation is that to keep up your Vitamin C levels, you drink at lest 150 mL of juices a day. References; To collect my information (displayed above) I have used sources from; *Child and Youth Health - *Good Medicine - *The Vitamin C foundation -
juice claim to come close, so my recommendation is that to keep up your Vitamin C levels, you drink at lest 150 mL of juices a day. References; To collect my information (displayed above) I have used sources from; *Child and Youth Health - *Good Medicine - *The Vitamin C foundation -